2014 was a great year for the Fools. We’ve assembled the top five most popular posts read, shared, and commented on in social media. We’ll start from the beginning of the year and take you through the most talked about Fools articles from this year.
If I Talked to My Wife Like the Church Liturgy Talks to God
This post gave Fool readers the best laugh of 2014, yet with a thought-provoking twist. Hey, we’ve gotta laugh at ourselves as the church sometimes. If the liturgy is your thing, that’s okay. Nowhere does this post intend to bash any way Christians worship God. But it should encourage us to think about how we communicate with him as a Lover and Friend, and whether it’s organic, personal, and real. If it is, let’s enjoy the laugh at our own expense, and carry on.
Five Ways to Make Your Wife Happy (WOMEN DO NOT READ)
We got romantic this year and tried to keep the secret of how to win with a wife to just the men. Unfortunately, that failed. The viral effect of this post was generated almost entirely by women. Oh well, take a peek inside. Everyone’s doing it.
And if they aren’t, perhaps they should be. #1 is my personal favorite, but #5 is a tear-jerker every time.
The “Do You Have a Peace About It?” Lie
Just an average post disspelling a widely common myth about “having a peace” that became by far our most wildly popular post up until the end of 2014. Perhaps opening up about my own troubles in this department resonated with people. But I have an idea that most likely it was God’s Word doing the convincing. You’ll be surprised by the comprehensive message of what the Bible says about peace and decision making in this post.
When God Doesn’t Heal You, But Smacks You in the Face, Instead
Sometimes it feels like God smacks you in the face in answer to your prayers. This post jumps right into the middle of that difficult place. It received a lot of attention, especially from people dealing with pain, becoming the 5th most popular post in the history of the blog. Hey, if you’re going to follow God, you should know something about who you’re following and what he has in mind.
Why I Lead the Worship Music You Hate, and Why I’m Going to Keep Leading It
To close out the year, we published what became possibly our most controversial post of the year. It was shared more than any other Fools post ever — significantly — a slightly outside of the box take on why modern worship music is effective in a modern worship church setting.
Thanks for being an active part of the Fools in 2014, everything from your participation in comments, sharing articles, starting social media conversations, and reading. You are the one who fulfills the purpose of this blog — to inspire Fools for Christ to live radical, passionate, foolish faith for him. This blog is all about you, every person who becomes a Fool in leaving the expectation and adulation of the world to follow Christ to a cross. This world may never understand, but it will one day stand back in awe at his glory. May we meet each other there in his wonderful presence.
Thanks for your hearts for Jesus, JP and Angela. Thanks for your hard work and dedication in writing this blog. Each week I look forward to reading your latest posts. Your messages are hard hitting, funny, touching and inspiring.
Thanks for being a fool for Christ!